Adult CircumcisionAdult Circumcision

An elective procedure, adult circumcision, is performed under general anesthesia. It usually takes around 30 minutes. The surgeon will then remove the foreskin from the penis. The surgeon measures how much skin is needed to be removed. He then cuts off the excess skin, stitching the skin back to the penis. After the procedure, the patient should not be able to have sex for four to six months. If necessary, the surgeon might recommend that the patient consult a doctor …

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Adult Circumcision

The Safest Methods of CircumcisionThe Safest Methods of Circumcision

There are many ways of circumcision. But there are two main ones that are safest. The first is called the Mogen clamp and is usually done in a Bris Milah ceremony. This type of circumcision is straightforward and bloodless, which reduces the chances of postoperative infection. The Mogen clamp consists two flat, 2.5- to 3-mm blades.

This involves putting a band around your penis’s head and pulling it back. The clamp’s flange is then attached to the foreskin. This squeezes …

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The Safest Methods of Circumcision